Saturday, October 21, 2006

Online Gaming - do YOU have a problem?

If you watch South Park (and you really should), you probably got a chuckle out of the episode featuring the online game "World of Warcraft," a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). Google "online gaming addiction" or a similar phrase, and you will find a wealth of speculation about how good or bad online gaming is for you.

The opinion scale seems to be tipped toward the "it's bad for you" side of the argument, but I suspect that it all depends on how much time you spend (waste?) living in a fantasy world on your computer. After all, too much of anything can be bad for you [he said, as he opened another beer].

China has reportedly cracked down on her citizens' online gaming habits (for their own good, mind you) by penalizing players' role-playing characters if they spend too much time playing the game.
"The new system will impose penalties on players who spend more than three hours playing a game by reducing the abilities of their characters."
Can you imagine?....You finally reach level 5, and the government takes away your power to cast spells! And they call it the People's Republic of China.


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Friday, October 20, 2006

James Blunt - High

For my wife and daughter.

Update: This video link is no longer available.

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"Hate Crimes"

Here we go again. Another Koran in the toilet [unlike a similar story in Newsweek last year, this time it appears to have actually happened] and the liberals leftists are screaming "hate crime." I guess they think they can get conservatives to share some of their liberal guilt this way.

Well, I just can't get too upset about it. Other than the fact that it was a library copy (destruction of public property) and that it was tossed into a public toilet (littering), there is no crime. And wouldn't be a crime if it were a Holy Bible, either.

It seems that every time someone is offended, they want to call it a "hate crime." Whatever the offense was, it probably derived from someone's hate, lack of sensitivity, or simply lack of respect. However, it's not a crime (yet) to destroy or otherwise desecrate a friggin' book.

If that ever becomes a crime, I'll buy as many of the books in question that I can afford, notify the press, and make a fairly large bonfire in my front yard (unless one of those frequent burn bans is in effect, in which case I'll just have my dog pee on them).

The whiners need to accept the fact that they do not have a right to not be offended. In other words, grow up, already.

[Editor's note: The above image was brazenly pilfered from Jason at COUNTERCOLUMN.]

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Club Gitmo

The prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay for being unlawful combatants (terrorists) seem to be unwanted by their respective countries.

Some European countries are reportedly reluctant to accept detainees who were legal residents of those countries before they decided to join the "jihad." I can't say that I blame them, either. These are very bad people who will never be rehabilitated and live for only one reason - to kill infidels. That's right, YOU and me.

Here are the alternatives for the disposition of the detainees - as I see it.

1. Keep them in Gitmo forever where they are well fed and cared for (at our expense).

2. Return them to the countries where they hold citizenship (and hope they are not released and allowed to continue their terrorist careers).

3. Turn them over to the governments of the countries in which they were captured (Iraq and Afghanistan) to stand trial for crimes against the people of those countries.

4. Turn them over to those organizations that demand that Gitmo be closed (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc.) with the understanding that the individual members of the governing bodies of those organizations will be held criminally liable for any future terrorist acts committed by detainees in their care.

5. Develop an Adopt-a-Terrorist program so that any bleeding-heart liberal can assume personal responsibility for a detainee. The detainee would be required to live with the family who adopts him.

6. Kill every last one of them and get it over with, for cryin' out loud!

From now on, follow my Take-No-Prisoners policy when it comes to dealing with terrorists.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why Kids Grow Up Screwed Up

The disciplining of a local school teacher has highlighted a perverse problem in our society that affects the minds of virtually every child in America. Do you know why people have such demented attitudes about sex and nudity? It's because they are conditioned to be that way by adults throughout their formative childhood years.

Our local NBC affiliate has been covering the story about a Frisco elementary school teacher who apparently got in trouble with her school board officials for taking her students to the Dallas Museum of Art last April where they saw a nude statue. I say "apparently" because the school board has indicated that their decision to suspend the teacher (with pay) is based on performance issues that they are not allowed to reveal to the public - not just a field trip to the museum. You can read about it here, here, and here.

It is, however, the parents' complaints about the nude statue that their little darlings saw at the museum that gets most of the news coverage (sensationalising the news yields better ratings). Just what the parents were complaining about isn't really clear to me, but I assume (dangerous, I know) that it is our infernal prudishness that has caused all the wailing and knashing of teeth.

I'll let the school board decide personnel issues, but someone should tell those parents who were complaining about the nude statue to just STFU and stop corrupting their childrens' minds.

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