A Mockery of Justice?

Hadi Jawad, a Pakistani immigrant whose father was born in Iraq, laments that the "U.S. orchestrated a phony trial" of Saddam Hussein. Although supposedly no fan of Saddam, Hadi believes the trial was "was a mockery of justice" and its outcome was a "a meaningless death of a two-bit tyrant."
How can the death of a two-bit tyrant be considered "meaningless?" If you don't already understand the meaning of Saddam's death , then it would be a waste of time for me to try to explain it to you.
No explanation was given for Hadi's opinions. However, it may help to understand where he is coming from when you consider that he is a "co-founder and media spokesman for the Crawford Peace House," an organization affiliated with the so-called "peace activist" Cindy Sheehan, and reportedly heads the End the Occupation of Iraq Committee of the Dallas Peace Center.
Sorta gives you an idea of his mind-set.
Now, if the Iraqis, who supposedly live in the "birthplace of Civilization" will just start acting civilized, it could turn out to be a great new year.
But don't bet on it.