
Senior citizens being denied donated donuts....because "they are eating too many of them and they obviously cannot control their adddiction [sic] to them, so he [the director of the Putnam County, NY Office for the Aging] banned them."
Schools refusing to allow students to bring sweets to school in their lunches...."because many students could be allergic to basic ingredients such as eggs or milk." Death by cupcake?
Presidential candidates (John Edwards) proposing that everyone be required to see a avoid costly medical conditions that could possibly be treated early.
Laws requiring motorcycle helmets....they would save the lives of automobile occupants, too.....sometimes. And if it would save even one life, it would be worth it to require (insert your favorite act of forcing your will on others).
Withholding federal highway funds from states that allow legal drinking ages below 21 years. Only 2 of the '08 Democrat presidential candidates (Kucinich and Gravel) said they were against this particular federal blackmail during their debate in New Hampshire Wednesday night. If lowering the drinking age to 18 would increase the number of drunk driving accidents, would it not be logical to also assume that increasing the minimum drinking age to, say, 25 or 30 would reduce the number of those accidents?.....Do it for the children.
I fear that we may no longer know the meaning of "liberty" and "freedom"......or perhaps we just don't care anymore.
What will it take to save us from power-mad bureaucrats and politicians who don't give a damn about the peoples' rights......another revolution?
Voting for politicians who promise to take care of you (and protect you from yourself) is not the answer.