
With regard to illegal combatants (terrorists, pirates, brigands, etc.), they will be treated however we damned well please....even "tortured" if necessary. They are not protected by the above mentioned conventions, by the way, even though we normally afford them such niceties.
Keep in mind that we do not use torture to extract confessions (as the communists always seem to want to do). Read some of the many accounts of former POW's of North Korea or North Vietnam.
We do not torture to entertain ourselves. The mistreatment of prisoners by Americans at Abu Ghraib was not torture. Humiliating prisoners just for kicks is inappropriate, juvenile, and unbecoming of U.S. military personnel. It is not torture, however.
Torture as punishment may satisfy a need for revenge, but serves no legitimate purpose, and should be prohibited on moral grounds, if nothing else, but certainly not because we care one bit what "the world" thinks of us. Besides, when our so-called allies get themselves in trouble, who is it that always has to save their butts?
Attempting to legally define torture would be as futile as trying to define bad taste in music, anyway. Forcing someone to listen to a Barry Manilow album would be considered torture by some (most). I'm okay with leaving the interrogation of terrorists to the discretion of the experts. You say you don't trust the experts to make those decisions?......well, you damned well better trust them. Those experts are the ones who protect you from getting blown up or having your throat slit by people who would rather kill you than spend a relaxing day with their own families. I'm talking about bad people here.
Arguing that torture never works is simply denying an oft proven truth - torture always works when applied properly for an appropriate purpose. Don't believe me? Well, I'll bet that, given the opportunity, I could make you give me your social security number and all your computer passwords without even leaving a mark on your body.....and I'm not even very good at interrogation. I could probably even make you admit to being a witch, too.....even if you aren't one.
The strategy of gentle persuasion and developing a personal rapport with prisoners may work when the prisoners are reasonable people (such as ordinary soldiers whose philosophies of life are similar to our own). This approach is said to have worked with some German POW's in WWII. It will not, however, work with Islamic terrorists. They do not share our values and cannot be reasoned with.
Whatever methods our intelligence agencies deem appropriate in dealing with terrorists is okay by me. That's right....I'm not too concerned about how terrorists are treated.
Speaking of torture, try sitting through any of the absurd discussions on torture presented by CNN. Your head will explode.
Labels: Geneva Convention, terrorists, torture