Star-Telegram ran an
opinion column on Friday by Alan Gottlieb and Dave Workman that claims that so-called "gun-free" school zones are a sad joke and do nothing to protect children.
Their's is not a novel argument. Ever since the beginning of the anti-gun hysteria in this country, it has been argued that criminals are encouraged in their activities when they think that there's little chance that their intended victims will be able to fight back with a firearm.
I've read several reports of increased firearm-related crime wherever the legal possession of guns is prohibited, and a corresponding decrease after the passage of concealed-carry laws. I cannot vouch for the validity of those claims, but it does seem reasonable.
Think of any of the instances in which some lunatic rather casually, and with impunity, walked about shooting people in a
school or a
Luby's cafeteria. If only one
responsible person had been there with a gun, the incident
could possibly have been terminated early with a happy ending.
There's no guarantee of that outcome, but at least the victims would have had a reasonable chance of survival.
If you have a gun, do yourself a favor and attend a
firearms safety class. Just don't attend a class conducted by
this guy, or
this guy, and especially not
this guy.
Labels: guns, law, schools