I don't believe it.....not for one minute. Oh, sure, I'd like for him to still be alive so we would (eventually) have the pleasure of killing him publicly.
But that ain't gonna happen. He's long dead, folks.....probably buried in a cave that collapsed when struck by one of those really big bunker buster bombs.
Why do I think that?.....First of all, if he were alive, he'd be more common on American TV than "home equity loan" commercials.
Also, look at these screen grabs from his last 2 released videos. Both the 2004 (on the left) and the 2007 videos are (intentionally?) out of focus and the 2007 video shows an apparently much younger bin Laden.....his beard is dark and more stylishly trimmed, too. I suspect that the audio tracks for both were provided by someone who is sorta good at doing impressions.
He could have dyed and trimmed his beard, but there's no plausible explanation for such vanity.
And if you think that these dirt bags living in a cave prevents them from making decent quality

videos, take a look at the recent videos of
Ayman al-
Zawahiri (the number 2 man in
Qaeda). No problem with focus there, because there's no need to obscure his features to.
Qaeda and the U.S. government both need bin Laden alive in order to further their agendas.
AQ, needs him as an invincible leader against the infidels.....the U.S. needs him as a
boogyman to counter the increasing opposition to the way the war in Iraq has been conducted.
I'm really disappointed in our government for carrying on this charade, too. They must think we're really stupid.
Labels: bin Laden, terrorists