Sunday, June 03, 2007

Honesty in Reporting

The current uproar over the traveling lawyer who has a particularly dangerous strain of tuberculosis generated the following comment (or it's many variations) on just about every newscast:

"...tuberculosis, more common in developing countries than the industrialized world...."

So, what's my complaint? I'm glad you asked.

I guess it's just that euphemisms bother me when they are the exact opposite of the truth. "Developing nations" are anything but. They are instead, perpetually non-developing nations (also known as Third World). And, no.....more money (yours and mine) squandered on their corrupt, dictatorial governments is not the answer.

It is, of course, more comforting to pretend that these countries will someday "develop" into something other than what they are, but let's not kid ourselves.


Carbon Offsets

Attention Celebrities!!

Salve that guilty conscience for spewing greenhouse gases while globe-trotting in your private jets.

You can now purchase carbon offsets from me at below market value.

I have agreed to severely limit my private jet travel so you can continue your jet-setting unabated and without fear of being a hypocrite or being guilty of promoting "global warming."

Rather than put a price on these carbon offsets, I'll let you decide how much to pay.....just send me whatever you think our precious environment is worth.

I know you'll do the right thing.

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