Thursday, March 20, 2008

There They Go Again

Another of the (curiously) infrequent audio tapes (video tapes are just too darned expensive) from Osama bin Laden has surfaced.

When is the U.S. government going to finally admit that bin Laden is dead and stop this farcical charade of "authenticating" the voice on the tapes as bin Laden's?

He's dead.

As the good people at Ace of Spades HQ would (probably) characterize bin Laden's death:
He died from a sense of shame, loneliness, and a Hellfire missile up his ass, but mostly from a Hellfire missile up his ass.
I'm not going to bother saying it again......he is DEAD.


Inconsistency Or Blatant Hypocrisy?

This is what Barack Obama had to say about a white guy joking that a mostly black female basketball team looked like "a bunch of nappy-headed ho's."

Obama imus
by dollarsandsense123

Compare with his defense of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's racist and anti-American sermons that "could be considered controversial."

I can't say for sure, but I just imagine that his daughters would be less harmed by what an idiot like Don Imus said than by the sermons of a fanatic religious leader like Jeremiah Wright.

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