Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Case for Reviewing the Tax-Exempt Status of "Churches"

(click on image to enlarge)

In a telephone interview with USNews & World Report, James Dobson made some disparaging remarks about Fred Thompson's possible run for President. The article will give you a glimpse of Dobson's holier-than-thou attitude.
"Everyone knows he's conservative and has come out strongly for the things that the pro-family movement stands for," Dobson said of Thompson. "[But] I don't think he's a Christian; at least that's my impression," Dobson added, saying that such an impression would make it difficult for Thompson to connect with the Republican Party's conservative Christian base and win the GOP nomination.
I don't much care for Dobson or others who flaunt their "moral superiority," so if he doesn't like the idea of Thompson as President.......well, all the more reason to vote for Fred.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Concealed Handgun Laws

The Star-Telegram had an editorial a couple of days ago that promoted a bogus argument for making public the names of those people who have been issued Concealed Handgun Licenses.

The editorial equates other state-issued licenses, e.g., for cosmotolgists, pharmacists, auctioneers, dental hygienists, etc., with the Concealed Handgun License. Apples and oranges. There is no reason to keep confidential (and every reason to make public) the licenses issued for commercial activities such as providing a service for a fee to the public.

Making public the names of those who have been issued a CHL, exposes their defense against crime. It would be like making public the defenses used by police and military personnel in their jobs. The less the enemy knows, the better.

It would also subject the license holders to possible discrimination in our society that has been conditioned over the last several decades to fear guns (and even distrust those who own guns).

I would prefer that people who have criminal intentions assume that every potential victim is carrying, and willing to use, a firearm in his own defense.

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Fred Thompson

I've been impressed by Fred Thompson since the first time I saw him in a movie. Maybe it was just his demeanor in the roles he played, but I liked him.

Now, I find out that he's a true Conservative (no, not what the Liberals want you to think a Conservative is).

So far, Fred Thompson is the only Republican I would feel good about voting for, even though he hasn't even announced (and may not) that he will run for President.
The Democrats aren't offering anyone that even comes close to appealing to me.

I would like Thompson even more if he were an Independent. The Republican and Democrat Parties have both disgraced themselves to the point that they are embarrassments to the people of this country.

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Can Politics Get Any More Disgusting?

If you've been listening to the political pundits on the network news, you've probably been inundated with reports about how much money each Presidential hopeful has raised so far.

If they (the pundits) are to be believed, the next President of the United States will necessarily be the candidate that raises the most cash during the campaign.

I don't believe that for a moment, but if I'm wrong.......well, it may be true that America is headed for the trash heap.


Simply Disgusting

When I saw footage of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi getting off the plane in Syria with a large scarf around her neck, I thought: "I'm going to be really disappointed in her if she uses it to cover her head in a show of women's submission to the superiority of men" (that's what it is, you know).

Well.......I was disappointed.....but not really surprised.

She was also wearing what appeared to be thick leggings under her dress......I suppose in order to avoid driving Muslim men into a frenzy of lust.

No comment so far from NOW or any other women's "rights" groups about her giving in to chauvinist demands.

Had it been Laura Bush.....well, that would have caused a real uproar among feminists.

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