Thursday, September 06, 2007

Fred Thompson for President (finally)

As you've no doubt heard, Fred Thompson has finally announced that he is running for nomination as the Republican Presidential Candidate in '08.

Whew!......I was beginning to get a little worried there. I was afraid he might decide to forgo the brutal task of working his way into the oval office (and I wouldn't blame him).

Why do I like Fred? First of all, he's a conservative. Not an a la carte conservative, but one who applies his values across the board. Philosophical consistency is rejected by most politicians, because they know that they can get more votes if they compromise their personal beliefs and address each major issue so as to satisfy the majority of people for whom that issue is paramount (e.g., abortion, Iraq, gay marriage, etc.).

Just as important, Fred doesn't wear the phony smile that you see on every other politician's face, and he doesn't pander to specific interest groups. He seems to be unusually honest for a politician and simply presents himself as what he is, take it or leave it.

Finally, Fred Thompson comes across as completely sincere when he says that he's in the race to serve the people of this country instead of himself. There is not the slightest indication that he's on an ego trip (compare with other candidates).

So far, he seems to be the perfect man for the job. I just hope he doesn't turn out to be the anti-Christ......not that it would keep me from voting for him.

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