Reducing Foreign Oil Dependence

A hefty hike in gas taxes -- better yet, in taxes on all carbon-based fuels -- will accomplish far more than mandates and subsidies for what everyone claims to want: "energy independence" and "clean energy."I usually agree with Mort on major issues, but he's dead wrong on this one. A big increase in federal taxes on gas, would be regressive and hurt the poorest people the most. His suggestion of rebates for poor people would be rediculously unworkable and seriously bloat an already bloated bureaucracy.
Also, it would increase the cost of just about everything we buy that requires energy to manufacture (or grow) and transport to the consumer. Maybe Mort is really a democrat. He sure sounds like one on this issue.
Would it not make more sense to aim any new taxes on those who squander gasoline rather than sticking it to the poor schmuck who has to commute to work for an hour in an older model (i.e., less fuel-efficient) vehicle? Perhaps a punitive tax on new vehicles that get less than 25 mpg (or some other arbitrary figure)?
If the politicians have to pretend to be doing something about a problem, better that they do something less damaging to the people and our society.
How about this idea.......send a message to OPEC. We'll pay $30 a barrel for your oil...take it or leave it. If you don't sell to us (your biggest customer) you can just use the oil to fill your swimming pools and find some way to survive without all that American cash.
Also, you can forget about all the foreign aid we've been giving you and all the other economic benefits of being a U.S. trading partner.
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