Club Gitmo

Some European countries are reportedly reluctant to accept detainees who were legal residents of those countries before they decided to join the "jihad." I can't say that I blame them, either. These are very bad people who will never be rehabilitated and live for only one reason - to kill infidels. That's right, YOU and me.
Here are the alternatives for the disposition of the detainees - as I see it.
1. Keep them in Gitmo forever where they are well fed and cared for (at our expense).
2. Return them to the countries where they hold citizenship (and hope they are not released and allowed to continue their terrorist careers).
3. Turn them over to the governments of the countries in which they were captured (Iraq and Afghanistan) to stand trial for crimes against the people of those countries.
4. Turn them over to those organizations that demand that Gitmo be closed (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, etc.) with the understanding that the individual members of the governing bodies of those organizations will be held criminally liable for any future terrorist acts committed by detainees in their care.
5. Develop an Adopt-a-Terrorist program so that any bleeding-heart liberal can assume personal responsibility for a detainee. The detainee would be required to live with the family who adopts him.
6. Kill every last one of them and get it over with, for cryin' out loud!
From now on, follow my Take-No-Prisoners policy when it comes to dealing with terrorists.
Labels: Gitmo, terrorists
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