Darwin Strikes Again

According to the story in the Star-Telegram, more recipients of the award can be expected soon for the same reason.
"Harvey Weiss, executive director of the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition in Chattanooga, Tenn., said huffing from a natural-gas well is a new form of inhalant abuse."The Darwin Award was most recently presented to the Republican Party.
Labels: Darwin Award, gas
The Irony of Racism
Michael Richards was very quick to phone an apology to Jesse Jackson following his having been caught on tape repeatedly using the "N" word during an on-stage tirade.
I marvel at the race police, who place at their head the notorious Jackson, who not too long ago refered to New York as "Hymie Town."
It won't be long before Richards, a Jew, will be standing in line behind Mel Gibson to apologize to Abe Foxman.
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