Illegal Immigrantion

Yeah, you politicians who are supposed to be serving your country instead of lining your own pockets. Can't solve the problem of illegal immigration?
Here's a solution:
Use the National Guard from the border states to secure the border, under the command of their respective Governors and funded by the Federal Government until the U.S. Border Patrol is staffed to take over the job completely. No need for an expensive ugly fence.
Give notice that anyone in the country illegally has 60 days to apply for a temporary Visa, good for up to 1 year unless sooner rejected for cause. The application fees for temporary Visas will be calculated to cover the cost of the program.
After the 60 days is up, those who are caught in the country illegally will be subject to a fine and imprisonment prior to mandatory deportation to their home countries.
Holders of temporary Visas must apply for and be granted a student or work Visa before their year is up or leave the country.
Quotas for work Visas will be increased for Mexican nationals who can prove that they have a job or job offer from an employer in the U.S. Quotas for permanent residency will be eliminated to accommodate the increased number of work visas. We have enough permanent residents already.
Employers who hire illegal aliens will face fines and imprisonment = starting with the CEO and working down the chain of authority as far as is determined appropriate. This applies to independent contractors, too.
Employers of LEGAL immigrants must immediately report the termination of any foreign employee, or if the employee fails to report for work without a valid, and documented, reason.
Schools at which foreign students are enrolled must immediately report the graduation, termination, or unauthorized absence of any foreign student. Such students will be given 30 days to leave the country or face fines and imprisonment prior to deportation.
School administrators will be held criminally liable for failure to comply.
Amend the Constitution (again) to eliminate automatic citizenship to everyone born in the U.S. unless at least one parent is a U.S. citizen.
Got a better solution to the problem of illegal immigration?
Well, let's hear it then. And let's hear it NOW!
Labels: immigration
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