Oh, the Humanity!

"For many Mexican immigrants living in the United States, the holidays have come to represent a time of sadness."He conveniently omits the fact that he is referring to illegal immigrants.
"...undocumented workers -- many of whom just want to work and send money back home -- are finding it more difficult to cross back."Only when it comes to crossing back into the U.S. ... illegally.
"Because of the proposed fence and increased security measures, those who are already in the United States have little choice but to remain."Let's see.....go back to Mexico where I belong or stay in the U.S. illegally?......little choice, indeed.
"Some Americans think the fence will lead toward a more secure homeland. But many don't realize that 40 percent of the 12 million undocumented immigrants now in this country came here legally and then overstayed their visas."Only 31 percent of the nineteen 9/11 hijackers were in the U.S. illegally.
"These workers put more into our economy than they take out."There is no way Leyva, or anyone else, can know this, and there is no reason to believe that it is true......unless, of course, you believe something simply because you want it to be true.
"This holiday, as we sit down to eat our feast with family, it would behoove us as a nation to remember that some of the food on our table was put there by immigrant workers who cannot go home."Now where did I put that violin?....I can never seem to find it.
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