An Obamination?

Okay, she probably meant "Obama-nation," but my spelling would probably be a more accurate label for America with the Obamassiah as President.
Obama's popularity among blacks is understandable (identity politics), but his popularity among guilt-ridden liberals and naive young people ("it's cool to vote for Obama") makes him an even scarier candidate than Hillary Clinton. Anyone who appeals to that demographic is not at all attractive to those of us who want a candidate with more than just a slick personality .... yeah, Mitt Romney was like that, too.
People should ask themselves what Obama has to offer the country. His promise to get America out of Iraq right away, may appeal to those whose votes hinge on that one issue, but, otherwise, he offers only an elimination of the Bush tax cuts and higher taxes overall.
None of the candidates seem interested in confronting the issue of illegal immigration, and the mainstream media don't want to bring up the subject, either.
Regardless of what happens in November, we will eventually have to clean up the mess that will surely result.
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