Illegal Immigration

Let's get a few things straight right off the bat.
1. No one has an inherent right to enter any country in which he is not a citizen....for any reason.
2. What people may have done hundreds or thousands of years ago during periods of human migration into sparsely settled areas of the Earth is irrelevant.
3. The reality of today is that nations exist and have established immigration laws designed to preserve and protect the societies that make up those nations.
4. We don't actually need anyone from another country to come here.....we have enough people already.
5. If your country is so screwed up that you want to leave, fix's your responsibility. We sympathize with you, and we have probably already given you billions of dollars to help solve your problems. If your government has squandered our aid money and continues to oppress you.......well, that's what revolutions are for.
Labels: immigration, law
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