
Some do it for money through advertising. Some do it to help promote a particular agenda - typically political.
Some do it simply to provide information on various topics with no ulterior motives other than to help those who need that information to improve their lives (those altruistic bastards!).
Why do I blog?.......I don't know. I don't have anything important to say except to express my opinion (much like shouting into a jet's futile, and nobody will hear it, anyway).
I normally avoid any semblance of following a fad, but I must admit that this particular fad (blogging) is appealing to me. It's much more satisfying than simply writing my thoughts in a journal - perhaps because the technological aspects of publishing a journal on the internet satisfy some of my less noble desires that are normally hidden in the deepest crevasses of my twisted little mind.
I just don't know.
But thank you for asking.
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